<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
<!-- begin script
//General Array Function
function MakeArray(n) {
this.length = n;
for (var i = 1; i <=n; i++) {
this[i] = 0;
//Initialize Days of Week Array
days = new MakeArray(7);
days[0] = "Cumartesi"
days[1] = "Pazar"
days[2] = "Pazartesi"
days[3] = "Sali"
days[4] = "Carsamba"
days[5] = "Persembe"
days[6] = "Cuma"
//Initialize Months Array
months = new MakeArray(12);
months[1] = "Ocak"
months[2] = "Subat"
months[3] = "Mart"
months[4] = "Nisan"
months[5] = "Mayis"
months[6] = "Haziran"
months[7] = "Temmuz"
months[8] = "Agustos"
months[9] = "Eylul"
months[10] = "Ekim"
months[11] = "Kasim"
months[12] = "Aralik"
//Day of Week Function
function compute(form) {
var val1 = parseInt(form.day.value, 10)
if ((val1 < 0) || (val1 > 31)) {
alert("1 ile 31 arasi bir tarih girin…")
var val2 = parseInt(form.month.value, 10)
if ((val2 < 0) || (val2 > 12)) {
alert("1 ile 12 arasi bir tarih girin…")
var val2x = parseInt(form.month.value, 10)
var val3 = parseInt(form.year.value, 10)
if (val3 < 1900) {
alert("1900 ile 2050 arasi bir tarih girin…")
if (val2 == 1) {
val2x = 13;
val3 = val3-1
if (val2 == 2) {
val2x = 14;
val3 = val3-1
var val4 = parseInt(((val2x+1)*3)/5, 10)
var val5 = parseInt(val3/4, 10)
var val6 = parseInt(val3/100, 10)
var val7 = parseInt(val3/400, 10)
var val8 = val1+(val2x*2)+val4+val3+val5-val6+val7+2
var val9 = parseInt(val8/7, 10)
var val0 = val8-(val9*7)
form.result1.value = months[val2]+" "+form.day.value +", "+form.year.value
form.result2.value = days[val0]
// end script -->
<h3><i><a href="http://www.kodbul.piczo.com"><font face="Arial Black" color="#FF0000">
<span style="text-decoration: none">HANGİ GÜN DOĞDUN? </span> </font></a></i></h3>
<p><font color="#FF0000">Dogdugunuz tarihi yazın ve hesapla tusuna basin</font></b></p>
<p><font color="#FF0000"><b>Dogdugunuz ay(1-12):</b></font> <input TYPE="text" NAME="month" SIZE="2"> </p>
<p><b><font color="#FF0000">Dogdugunuz gun (1-31): </font></b> <input TYPE="text" NAME="day" SIZE="2"> </p>
<p><b><font color="#FF0000">Dogdugunuz yil(ornek:2007)</font></b>: <input TYPE="text" NAME="year" SIZE="4"> </p>
<p><font color="#FF0000">
<input TYPE="button" VALUE="Hesapla" ONCLICK="compute(this.form)" style="font-weight: 700"><b>
</b> <input TYPE="reset" VALUE="Temizle" style="font-weight: 700"><b> </b></font> </p>
<p><font color="#FF0000"><b>Dogdugunuz tarih: </b></font> <input TYPE="text" NAME="result1" SIZE="18"> </p>
<p><u><font color="#FF0000"><b>DOGDUGUNUZ GUN: </b></font></u> <input TYPE="text" NAME="result2" SIZE="20"> </p>
<html> </html>
body {
background-color: #C7E8CB;
background-image: url(http://pic.piczo.com/img/i99801286_72112_2.jpg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: bottom left;
background-attachment: fixed }